ملخص مواضيع منتديات يوم جديد: “إلهي رجعت - إبراهيم الأحمد” plus 7 more | |
- إلهي رجعت - إبراهيم الأحمد
- شهادة حق لله ثم للتاريخ... وليست للشيخ "برهامي" - زين العابدين كامل
- بيان من "الدعوة السلفية" بشأن الفيلم المسيء "لرسول الله" -صلى الله عليه وسلم- - الدعو
- قرض صندوق النقد الدولي... "وجهة نظر مخالِفة" - زين العابدين كامل
- حتى لا نقف مكتوفى الايدى تعال معنا وانشر هذه الرسالة فى كل المواقع الاجنبية
- before insulting the prophet mohamed read about him to know his mercy
- O Lord Amty Amty peace be upon him what outlined from person loves the good of the wi
- Who is prophet Muhammad??
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 02:03 AM PDT بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Ygid v[uj - Yfvhidl hgHpl] |
شهادة حق لله ثم للتاريخ... وليست للشيخ "برهامي" - زين العابدين كامل Posted: 13 Sep 2012 11:03 PM PDT كتبه/ زين العابدين كامل الحمد لله، والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله، أما بعد؛فأكتب هذه الكلمات ردًا على ما نُشر على "الفيس بوك" والمنتديات بعنوان: "كشف حساب شيخ" للأخ خالد حربي، وقد قرأتُ بعض الكلمات في الرد على ما نُشر لبعض الأفاضل كالأستاذ "نادر بكار"، والأستاذ "أحمد عطية"، والأستاذ "حسام عبد العزيز"، وغيرهم... وكانت ردودًا طيبة، ولكني أردتُ أن أفنِّد الشبهات التي ذكرها الأخ، وأن أرد عليها ردًا شافيًا، وألا يكون الرد عبارة عن ثناء على الشيخ "ياسر برهامي" -حفظه الله-.والمقصود بالشبهة هنا: ما يثير الشك والارتياب في صدق الداعي وأحقية ما يدعو إليه، وأذكِّر نفسي وإخواني بقول الله -تعالى-: (وَلا يَجْرِمَنَّكُمْ شَنَآنُ قَوْمٍ عَلَى أَلا تَعْدِلُوا اعْدِلُوا هُوَ أَقْرَبُ لِلتَّقْوَى) (المائدة:8). وبقول رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: (انْصُرْ أَخَاكَ ظَالِمًا أَوْ مَظْلُومًا). فَقَالَ رَجُلٌ: يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ، أَنْصُرُهُ إِذَا كَانَ مَظْلُومًا، أَفَرَأَيْتَ إِذَا كَانَ ظَالِمًا كَيْفَ أَنْصُرُهُ؟ قَالَ: (تَحْجُزُهُ أَوْ تَمْنَعُهُ مِنَ الظُّلْمِ فَإِنَّ ذَلِكَ نَصْرُهُ) (متفق عليه).... [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] aih]m pr ggi el ggjhvdo>>> ,gdsj ggado "fvihld" - .dk hguhf]dk ;hlg |
بيان من "الدعوة السلفية" بشأن الفيلم المسيء "لرسول الله" -صلى الله عليه وسلم- - الدعو Posted: 13 Sep 2012 11:03 PM PDT الحمد لله، والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله، أما بعد؛ فمصداقًا لقول الله -تعالى-: (قَدْ بَدَتِ الْبَغْضَاءُ مِنْ أَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَمَا تُخْفِي صُدُورُهُمْ أَكْبَرُ) (آل عمران:118)، تحركت قوى للشر يجمعهم الجبن، والعجز عن مواجهة الحجة بالحجة، ويحرِّكهم الغيظ من انتشار دين الله في مشارق الأرض ومغاربها، ويسوؤهم أن يجدوا إقبال الناس على دين الله -عز وجل- مصداق قول الله -تعالى-: (إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا يُنْفِقُونَ أَمْوَالَهُمْ لِيَصُدُّوا عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ فَسَيُنْفِقُونَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ عَلَيْهِمْ حَسْرَةً ثُمَّ يُغْلَبُونَ وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا إِلَى جَهَنَّمَ يُحْشَرُونَ . لِيَمِيزَ اللَّهُ الْخَبِيثَ مِنَ الطَّيِّبِ وَيَجْعَلَ الْخَبِيثَ بَعْضَهُ عَلَى بَعْضٍ فَيَرْكُمَهُ جَمِيعًا فَيَجْعَلَهُ فِي جَهَنَّمَ أُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْخَاسِرُونَ) (الأنفال:36-37).حيث فوجئوا أن الشعوب الإسلامية قد انحازت إلى المشروع الإسلامي في أول اختيار حقيقي؛ رغم ما أُنفِق من أموالٍ، وما بُذل من جهود من أجل صدهم عن شريعتهم؛ فتحرك بعض سفهاء أقباط المهجر ومن ورائهم إحدى الكنائس الأمريكية، ومن وراء الجميع اليهو... [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] fdhk lk "hg]u,m hgsgtdm" faHk hgtdgl hglsdx "gvs,g hggi" -wgn hggi ugdi ,sgl- - hg]u, |
قرض صندوق النقد الدولي... "وجهة نظر مخالِفة" - زين العابدين كامل Posted: 13 Sep 2012 11:03 PM PDT كتبه/ زين العابدين كاملالحمد لله، والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله، أما بعد؛فقبل أن أبدأ في كتابة هذا المقال... أعلن كامل احترامي وتقديري وتوقيري لبعض مشايخنا الكرام الذين قالوا بحل وجواز ذلك القرض، وأنه ليس من الربا، والخلاف معهم لا يكون إلا بأدب واحترام. قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية -رحمه الله-: "ولو كان كل ما اختلف مسلمان في شيء تهاجرا؛ لم يبقَ بين المسلمين عصمة ولا أخوة".وقال الإمام أحمد لعلي بن المديني -رحمهما الله- عندما اختلفا في مسألة وارتفعت أصواتهما: "ألا يستقيم أن نكون إخوانًا وإن اختلفنا في مسالة". ثم أقول:أولاً:قد حرَّم الله الربا، لما يترتب عليه من أضرار ومفاسد تعم الفرد والمجتمع، وتتسع دائرة هذا الفساد لتشمل النواحي: الاقتصادية، والاجتماعية، والنفسية، فهو يسبب العداوة بين الأفراد ويقضي على روح التعاون بينهم، وهو يؤدي إلى خلق طبقة مترفة لا تعمل شيئًا، كما يؤدي إلى تضخيم الأموال في أيديها دون جهد مبذول.حرمه الله؛ لأنه متلفة للأموال، مهلكة للناس، ويؤدي غالبًا إلى الفقر والأزمات الاقتصادية، وفقد أصل المال أو الأرض التي تُباع عادة في نهاية الأمر لتسديد القرض وفوائده الم... [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] rvq wk],r hgkr] hg],gd>>> ",[im k/v lohgAtm" - .dk hguhf]dk ;hlg |
حتى لا نقف مكتوفى الايدى تعال معنا وانشر هذه الرسالة فى كل المواقع الاجنبية Posted: 13 Sep 2012 11:03 PM PDT بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم pjn gh krt l;j,tn hghd]n juhg lukh ,hkav i`i hgvshgm tn ;g hgl,hru hgh[kfdm |
before insulting the prophet mohamed read about him to know his mercy Posted: 13 Sep 2012 11:03 PM PDT Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings Brothers in God love you in God what is happing nowday is Is unfortunate before insulting the prophet mohamed read about him to know his mercy this is part of my research about prophet mohamed and i'll not start with the order of my research but i'll but part of it, Apostle in their eyes (months what has been said by celebrities west of the Prophet) Says Will Durant in his book "The Story of Civilization": "If we judge the greatness of what was to great effect in people, we said that Muhammad peace be upon him was one of the greatest greats of history, has taken on himself to raise the spiritual level and moral people threw in Diager barbarism heat and waterless desert, has succeeded in achieving this purpose success did not Adanh where any reformer else in the whole history, and say that we find a man other achieved what he had dreamed of, not because he himself was very adherence to religion and enough, but that there was no power is the power of religion paid Arabs In his days to the behavior of that road that سلكوه, and was the country's Arab what started calling, desert barren, inhabited by tribes of idolaters few in number, scattered her, was when he died, united nation together. has rein intolerance and superstition, and stayed above Judaism, Christianity, and religion his old, we have easy and clear strong, and a monument moral strength valor and national pride. managed in one generation to triumph in a hundred battles, in one century to establish a great nation, and that remains to this day the power of a great danger in the half of the world ... we are not, we find in the whole history reformer impose on the rich from taxes imposed on them Muhammad, peace be upon him to help the poor. " He says Washington Irving in his book "Life of Muhammad": "It was Mohammed, peace be upon him Seal of the Prophets and the greatest apostles who بعثهم God to call people to worship God ... it was the actions of the Prophet, peace be upon him in the wake of the conquest of Mecca, indicates that a prophet, not as a leader Muzaffar; has shown mercy and compassion to its citizens, although it is in a strong position, but capped his success and victory for mercy and pardon ... met the prophet peace be upon him in order to spread Islam lot of fuss, and make several sacrifices; may doubt many in the sincerity of his call, remained several years without compromising a great success, and exposure through reporting revelation to insults, attacks, and persecutions, but was forced to leave his homeland and looking for a place migrate to here and there, and gave up all the pleasures of life, and the pursuit of wealth, in order to spread the faith. .. despite victories of the prophet peace be upon him the military, did not raise these victories pride or ego, it has been fighting for Islam, not for personal interest, and even at the height of his glory, Hafez prophet Muhammad, upon him the simplicity and humility , was hated when he enters the chamber group, to do it, or overly welcoming him, though he had the goal to the formation of a great nation, it was the state of Islam, was sentenced justly, and did not think that makes genetically judgment for his family ... prophet peace be upon him spend what is happening tribute or what is in his hands of the spoils for the victory of Islam, and in helping poor Muslims, and was often spent for that last dirhams in the house of money, and he did not leave behind dinars or dirhams or thin, has God among the finest treasures of the earth keys in this world and the hereafter chose afterlife ... " Says Henry de Vestre in his book "Islam Thoughts and Sawaneh": "The most what we look forward to him in view of the Islamic religion is singled them someone prophet peace be upon him, therefore meant to be a research first in achieving his personality and self-truth, literary, public find in this research new evidence sincerity and honesty agreed almost upon between all historians religions and largest Almichiein of the Christian faith ... therefore proved that Muhammad, peace be upon him did not read the holy book was guided in his religion doctrine Advanced ... and I know that Muhammad, peace be upon him over the many troubles, and suffered great psychological pain , before telling of his letter. has God created this same Tmhoudt of religion. and for that, he needed to isolation from the people, in order to escape from the worship of idols and the doctrine of the multiplicity of gods who coined Christians, and was Bgdahma master of his heart, and the existence of these two sects like a needle in his body peace be upon him and I Wim was thinking that the man who was forty is in the prime of intelligence and those Timorese who امتازوا in mind sharply imagination and the power of perception? only say again and repeat again these words (God a God one). words echoed Muslims أجمعون after him and missed us Muasher significance for Christians after us from the idea of unification ... it can not be denied on Muhammad, peace be upon him in the first round of his life perfect faith and sincere sincerity, either faith, will not waver in the slightest from his heart in the second round round Civil and أوتيه of victory, it would strengthen him on faith, not for that belief whole had reached him sum, no place for an increase in it, and he was inclined to decoration was scarce, and was Guenuaa, out of this world, not full of rye bread time in his life. stripped of greed, and was able to Nawal the top place in the land of the Arabs, but he did not tend to tyranny, it was not his entourage, and did not take a minister nor Hacma, despise money. " Montgomery Watt says in his book "Muhammad in Mecca": "Since the Carlyle studying about Muhammad peace be upon him, in his book" Heroes and hero worship "realized the West that there are good reasons to believe sincerely Mohammed; since the determination in bear persecution for his faith, and the creation of the High for men who believe in him, and they had as a leader, and finally the greatness of his work in recent achievements, all this testifies Bastqamth that can not be shaken. Vadtham Muhammad, peace be upon him as a charlatan raises more problems than it solves. However, there is no figure in history, from $ landed in the West Kmamed peace be upon him. showed book Western tendency to believe the worst things about Muhammad peace be upon him whenever there was any explanation critical incident of the facts possible acceptance. not enough, however, to mention the virtues of Mohammed be satisfied honesty and determination if we are to understand everything about him. If we want to correct the mistakes learned from the past are in, we must in each case - does not conclusively that against - to stick firmly in his honesty. and we must not forget then also proof, requires to accept more as possible, and that in such a subject, it is difficult to get it ... There is, on the contrary are strong reasons that the truth, "Muhammad" peace be upon him and we in such a situation that reach a high degree of certainty; because the debate about This issue depends on the facts, and can not include Unlike in appreciation about moral ... not expand Arabs nothing inevitable or automatically, as well as the establishment of the Islamic Ummah. Were it not for this wonderful combination of various qualities that we find when Muhammad peace be upon him would have been It is not possible to do this expansion, but exhausted those powerful forces in raids on Syria and Iraq, without leading to lasting results, and we can distinguish three gifts task Ottaha Muhammad peace be upon him were each required to complete the work of Muhammad, peace be upon him the whole: The Ute first: a special talent on the vision of the future, was the Arab world thanks or thanks to the revelation which has come down upon by Muslim opinion, the basis of an intellectual, replaced by social difficulties. was the composition of this intellectual foundation, requires at the same time, intuitively consider the underlying causes of the disorder social in that era, and the genius necessary to express this intuition in image can provoke the Arabs even deeper their entity. Muhammad was peace be upon him Second: statesman wise, was not the goal of the basic building that we find in the Qur'an, but to support measures concrete political and institutional reality. has ألححنا through this book often strategy Muhammad peace be upon him political far-sighted to reforms social. has indicated after consideration of these issues, the rapid spread that made his small empire, and the application of social institutions on the circumstances neighboring and continuity during more than three centuries. Muhammad was peace be upon him Third: man management brilliant, was a great visionary wonderful to choose men who delegated administrative matters. since it will not be for institutions strong and wise policy impact, if the application wrong hesitant. The state was founded by Muhammad, peace be upon him when he died, a prosperous enterprise, can withstand the shock caused by the absence of its founder, and then if after a period, adapted to the new situation, and can accommodate extremely rapidly widening fantastic ... whenever we think of in the history of Muhammad peace be upon him and the date of early Islam, تملكنا stunned before the greatness of such work. no doubt that the conditions were favorable to Muhammad, Votaan him opportunities for success not Taathaa to little men, but the man was at the level of conditions altogether. Had not prophet, statesman and management, though did not put his confidence in God, convinced consistently that God sent him, what wrote an important chapter in the history of humanity. Crown hope that this study about the life of Muhammad peace be upon him can help to generate interest - again - man is the greatest men of the sons of Adam. " He also says: The willingness of this man to bear persecution for his beliefs, and moral nature, those who believe in him and saw and they followed their leader and master, as well as the absolute greatness of his achievements, all evidence of justice and fairness inherent in the person. Muhammad is no presumption that the assumption is more problems does not solve it. But there was no personal history of the great Western has not received adequate appreciation, such as Muhammad did. He says, "Mahatma Gandhi" in an interview with the newspaper, "Ling India": "I wanted to know the characteristics of the man who has no dispute with the hearts of millions of people. Have become convinced of the conviction that the sword is not the means by which Islam has its place; but that was through the simplicity of the Prophet, with the accuracy and truth of the promises, and his dedication and devotion to his friends and followers, and courage, with absolute confidence in the Lord with his message. these qualities that paved the way, beyond the difficulties, not the sword. After I finished reading the second part of the life of the Prophet, and I found myself sadly there is no more, to know more about his life. " The English philosopher, "Thomas Karl," the Nobel laureate, in his book "Heroes": "It has become the biggest shame for any individual this era to listen to what is being said about the religion of Islam is a lie, and that Muhammad is a false deception. We must fight the rumors of such shameful;, the message is performed by the Apostle is still lit candle ... Avkan one believe that this letter in which he lived and died by these millions super mere lie and a hoax?! ". And (Michael Hart) in his book "One Hundred man in history": "The optional Muhammad, to be the first in the most important and greatest men in history may surprise readers, but the only man in history who succeeded at the highest success: the religious and secular. There are messengers and prophets and sages began great missions, but they died without a completion, as the Messiah in Christianity, or shared by others or their predecessors in others, Moses in Judaism, but Muhammad is the only one who completed his religious rulings were embraced by the peoples whole of his life. Besides, he established the new state religion, it is in this area is also secular united the tribes of the people, and the people in the nation, and put all the foundations of her life, and making things Dnyaha, and put them in a position to move the world. Also in his life, he began the letter by religious and secular, and complete. " These glimpses of the writings of non-Muslims who looked to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him through the eyes of scientists and researchers objective, فهداهم their research to the truth that illuminates the universe that God has guided the world. French thinker Amrtin "If the controls that measure the human genius is end of His Highness and the amazing results despite the lack of means, who is dare to compare any history of the great modern prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in his genius? These celebrities have made weapons and enacted القواني and established empires . Accrue not only laurels obsolete soon crashed midst., but this man (Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not lead armies and has enacted legislation governing the empire and peoples and rulers tame, but led millions of people was the third of the world then. not only that, but he spent on the monuments and companions, religions and ideas and false beliefs. The patience of the prophet and was flogged until victory (God). The ambition of the prophet (peace be upon him) directed the college to one goal, did not aspire to the formation of an empire or so. Even when the prophet permanent and Mnajath Rabbo and his death (peace be upon him) and even after their death, all this does not indicate a fraud and deceit, but evidence of genuine uncertainty which the prophet gave energy and power to establish the doctrine is twofold: belief in the oneness of God, and faith in Almighty Bmkhafatth accidents. First Valhq shows the character of God (not a singularity), while others say it is not always true God (which is similar to the material and accidents). For I had to be the elimination of the alleged gods of Allah, the sword, the second requests consolidation of the word faith (with wisdom and good advice). This is Muhammad (peace be upon him) philosopher, orator, prophet, legislator, warrior, compelling dislikes, founder of schools of thought, which calls for true worship, no memorials or as far. Twenty is the founder empire in the land, and one spiritual empire. This is Muhammad, peace be upon him). Given all measures of human greatness, I would like to ask: Is there is the greatest of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? Tolstoy Muhammad enough pride that he found bloody and humiliated nation from the clutches of the demons reprehensible habits, and open on their faces through the advancement and progress, and the law of Mohammed, the world will prevail in line with the common sense and wisdom. Sir Muir The prophet Muhammad Muslim title of Secretary since micro unanimously people of his country to honor morals and good behavior, and whatever there was of Muhammad is the highest end of the Describer, nor know of his ignorance, and an expert given careful consideration in its glorious history, then Muhammad, who left in the forefront of the Apostles and the thinkers of the world. please read this message we know u are Cultured and u should know the true about muhammed and islam Prophet muhammed teach us that he was the very pattern of excellence, the noblest exemplar. before he was called to prophethood, he was a peerless example of the good youth, of complete purity. The people of his ow ii tribe called him 'the Trustw orthy . In a Jahili society, he did not drink wine, nor worshipped idols, nor sought amusement in improper ways, Not even those of his tribe who became mortal enemies after lie was called to prophethood. imputed any misconduct to him. He was affectionate to the poor, tender— hearted to the weak, and a supporter of the oppressed. That is why he took part in the Fudel pact in which some good people bound themselves to help the weak and oppressed and to recover their rights against abuse by the tyranny of tribal chieftains. After his prophethood, 'A'isha, the Mother of the Faithful, may Allah be pleased with her, described him in this way in a sound hadith: 'His moral was the Qur'an itself', meaning that the moral qualities mentioned in the Qur'in and the injunctions revealed by divine command, were all hamionized in his person. 'A'isha also said that 'Allah's Messenger, may peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him, never took revenge for himself unless the things made inviolate by Allah were violated; he then took revenge for Allah." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this is some books about muhammed and islam :--- who is muhammed [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] ..... the life is the prophete muhammed [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] ...... about muhammed [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] ....... why i choose islam (true story) [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] ....... the true religion [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] ....... muslim character [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] ........ information about islam [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] ........ woman in islam [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] ....... ************************* and this is site have many books about muhammed and the manners of islam and tolerance in islam this site have many books and articles about islam [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] and this is some articles [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] Regret that without increased and deported تشقي as calling Bellman Owner of not working you preached and enjoined like Max Repent what Djinnit and you live and be vigilant before Raqqad Otreda be Rafik people have increased and you are without increased!!! Oh to Ateixr me noon * Atsab on need Oh Athani me taller * To become uncovered me secretly * Atazm Ali ordered Oh that Asatk openly forgive me * and Asatk secretly Vasturna * Atjal religious Aptlaúa Oh God, guide us and Dedicate us and make us a reason for those who guided Oh God, make Egypt prosperous generous and other Muslim countries and the Crown of fit O Allah, grant victory to Islam and dearest Muslims and insist our brothers in Syria and Palestine Oh Aanna to remember and thank you and good worship God best Khatami and epilogue all Muslims Oh God, we have increased the note and Vgahna in debt Oh Bestow on us from our wives and our descendants joy and make us cautious Amama DON'T Forget the good prayers before insulting the prophet mohamed read about him to know his mercy |
O Lord Amty Amty peace be upon him what outlined from person loves the good of the wi Posted: 13 Sep 2012 11:03 PM PDT Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings Brothers in God love you in God I wanted to start a speech, O Lord my nation Amty and modern extraterrestrial one of my nation in the fire and despite the weak hadeeth is not ground one of my nation in the fire but it is enough brothers esteemed health interview, O Lord my nation Amty this talk the intercession, and saying Almighty will give you Lord Fterdy}, not exist in any of the assigned books, no intercession in doors, not the interpretation of this verse. Yes reminded him of some of the later era novel exporters saying: Roy, but said without attribution, and the assigned books, there is no where only novel Suspended Ibn Abbas, which is irrigated by three ways; One: directed by Bayhaqi in people of faith (2/164) said: Tell us Ali bin Mohammed bin Bishraan I Abul Hassan Ali bin Mohammed al-Masri idol Mohammed bin Zaid Ibn Sweden Tna peace Bin Sulaiman Abu Abbas Damascene Tna partner Salem Alavtts Saeed Bin Jubair Ibn Abbas: "bowing and you will be given the Lord Fterdy said his satisfaction that the nation, all will enter Paradise." The healthiest contained in this section is brought what was narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh h (202) from the hadeeth of Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas: that the Prophet peace be upon him read words of God Almighty in Abraham {Lord they Odilln a lot of people it followed me it me} said Jesus: {The punish them, they Thy though forgive them Thou Aziz al-Hakim} raised his hands and said: O my ummah and cried, and said God Almighty O Jibreel go to Mohammed and Lord knows Vzle what makes you cry came to Jibreel asked Tell a messenger of Allah peace upon him what he said, I know God said, Gabriel, go to Muhammad, tell I Snredak in your nation nor Nsuk ". Only the Holy See how they were Apostle biggest is his nation nation did not say myself myself but said Amty Amty see my brother Karim How was crying prophet for you how Andhirvt tears precious of precious and dearest creature on earth Muhammad peace be upon him for you for only intervention fire and intercede for you with God and not Allaah admits fire never how God's love him for his messenger said God does not Nsak in your nation never see my brother Karim How are we after this not to defend our Prophet Muhammad Atrdy that disgraced messenger and you stand without moving nor defended defended him that show features gems and mercy his nation and his modesty and he was oversaw creation mercy on them and he was modest with all of creation as outlined from the Messenger of collecting recipes perfect how not one of said Adbna Lord treats disciplinary and said his Lady Aisha was created Koran, brother defended messenger Quran in Forums especially to foreigners is not known messenger defended him with all its means he has defended you do not even enter the fire and it was all his worries Salah nation in the world and the Hereafter, and up the religion of Islam for all because the good we love the good of all to all Muslims but for all the world we want knowing merits of Islam and morality Prophet which are the morals of Islam, which include compassion and love and love and compassion to the great compassion Balsgar and plaisanterie honoring one's parents and kindness to the needy and the poor and justice done by the religion of Islam in all countries of old, my brothers dear lovers of God brothers in all the earth that Muslims love be all manners of mercy and love and Twad and compassion, justice and love for all that go to heaven and that's what encouraged us by the Islamic religion said says of Invite to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and good counsel claimed everyone to connect Islam and know the Prophet and his to all of creation in the ground until they are in the best case, O Lord Amty Amty peace be upon him what outlined from person loves the good of the wilderness and the creation companions until he loves to enter all of creation paradise but longed to see him to love to poke him doomsday downright I love and loves you so Printable Posters defend him and definition of creation Ajmaan as the best and Ashraf God created all together God, I cry to cry apostle to fear us from the fire but his request paradise to us, and I wonder how detrimental these character did not know about anything they did not know manners never even heard of him. I leave you in God's care and safe I love you in God Do not forget my brothers Distinguished that Tnscheroha between your brothers and your families and your friends, whether via the Internet and social networking sites, forums or by direct contact between relatives and friends. Valdal the best in Texas, as we probably benefited one acquaintances and friends فتكتب in the balance of good deeds on the Day of Resurrection. Search This is the prophet of Islam, the Prophet of mercy Regret that without increased and deported تشقي as calling Bellman Owner of not working you preached and enjoined like Max Repent what Djinnit and you live and be vigilant before Raqqad Otreda be Rafik people have increased and you are without increased!!! Oh to Ateixr me noon * Atsab on need Oh Athani me taller * To become uncovered me secretly * Atazm Ali ordered Oh that Asatk openly forgive me * and Asatk secretly Vasturna * Atjal religious Aptlaúa Oh God, guide us and Dedicate us and make us a reason for those who guided Oh God, make Egypt prosperous generous and other Muslim countries and the Crown of fit O Allah, grant victory to Islam and dearest Muslims and insist our brothers in Syria and Palestine Oh Aanna to remember and thank you and good worship God best Khatami and epilogue all Muslims Oh God, we have increased the note and Vgahna in debt Oh Bestow on us from our wives and our descendants joy and make us cautious Amama don't Forget the good prayers [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل للمشاهدة الرابطللتسجيل اضغط هنا] O Lord Amty peace be upon him what outlined from person loves the good of |
Posted: 13 Sep 2012 11:03 PM PDT من هو محمد الذي يتبعه أكثر من مليار مسلم Who is Muhammad that is followed by more than one billion Muslims? هل هو عالم مبجل ومميز ؟ ...Is he a venerable scientist? هل هو أمير دولة محبوب Is he a popular prince? هل هو رئيس وزراء دولة مُحَـنَّـك ؟ Is he a sophisticated Prime Minister ? هل هو ملك عادل ؟ Is he a fair king? الجواب The answer is لا No أعظم من كل هؤلاء جميعا He is greater than all of those إنه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم He is the Messenger of Allah محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ذلك الشخص الذى جاء منذ أكثر من 1400 سنة برسالة من الله سبحانه وتعالى وقال أنه مكلف بنشر هذه الرسالة فى الأرض كلها غير متقيد بزمان أو مكان أو جنس أولون أوشكل قائلاً أن رسالته هذه آخر رسالات السماء إلى الأرض وأنه خاتم الرسل والأنبياء فلا رسول ولا نبى بعده صلى الله عليه وسلم Muhammad received the message from Allah 1400 years ago to call all mankind to follow the true path, no matter where or when; no matter if white or black, his message is for all. His message is the last and the lasting one, no messenger will come after him, he is the last Messenger. Who is Muhammad? أهو ذلك الأرهابي الذى يستهزؤن به في الصحف أم هو الرجل العسكرى المنظم الذي إنتصر فى معظم حروبه على أعدائه. أم هو العبقري الذي ألف بين قلوب القبائل المتحاربة؟ Is he a terrorist, as said by the Western media, or is he the brave warrior who won most of his battles against the enemies of Islam, or is he the genius who resolved all cases and troubles between the tribes. إنه من حفظ حقوق الكل He is the one who protected our Rights. حفظ حقوق الرجال وحقوق النساء وحقوق الصغار He protected men's, women's and children rights حفظ علاقة الجار بجاره He protected the relations between neighbors وأسس علاقة المسلمين مع بعضهم ومع غير المسلمين He established the relationship between Muslims and Non-Muslims . و نظم العلاقات الأسرية التي تضمن للأب وللأم حقوق كبيرة وعظيمة على أبنائهم He organized the relationship between the members of the family showing the duties towards the parents منع الظلم ودعا للعدل و المحبة والتكاتف والتعاون للخير He prevented injustice and called for justice, love, togetherness and cooperation for the best. دعا لمساعدة المحتاج وزيارة المريض و التناصح والمحبة He called for helping the needy, visiting the patients, love and exchanging advises between people. منع على المسلمين المعاملات السيئة مثل السرقة والغش والقتل والظلم He prohibited bad manners such as steeling, lying, and murdering . إنه من غير حياتنا وطباعنا السيئة إلى حسنة He is the one who changed our lives and manners to the best . المسلم .. لا يسرق A Muslim doesn't steal المسلم لا يكذب A Muslim doesn't lie المسلم لا يشرب الخمر A Muslim doesn't drink alcohol. المسلم لا يزنى A Muslim doesn't commit adultery المسلم لا يغش A Muslim doesn't cheat المسلم لا يقتل الأبرياء A Muslim doesn't kill innocent people المسلم لا يؤذي جارة A Muslim doesn't harm his neighbors المسلم يبر بوالديه و يخدمهما A Muslim obeys his parents and helps them المسلم يعطف على الصغار وعلى النساء وعلى الضعفاء وكبار السن A Muslim is kind to young and elderly people, to women and to weak people. المسلم لا يعذب البشر ولا الحيوانات A Muslim doesn't torture humans or even animals المسلم يرحم ويحب زوجته ويهتم و يعطف عل أبناءه حتى آخر يوم من عمره A Muslim loves his wife and takes care of his children and show mercy towards them until the last day of his life. المسلم لا تنتهي علاقته بأولاده بعد سن الرشد أبدا A Muslim's relationship towards his children never stops even when they become adults إنه محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم He is Muhammad (PBUH) هل عرفتم لماذا يحب كل المسلمون محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ؟ Did you know why all Muslims love Muhammad (PBUH)? هل عرفتم ماذا يعنى محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم للمسلمين ؟ Did you know what does Muhammad mean for Muslims? كل مسلم يحب محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم أكثر من كل شئ Every Muslim loves Muhammad (peace be upon him) more than himself and more than everything in his life. قبل أن تقول رأيك أدعوك ان تكون محايد فإذا أردت أن تحكم على شخص فعليك : 1-أن تسمع منه هو شخصيا ، أنت تستمع الي أحاديثه ، ان تتبع أعماله . 2-تقارن الأفكار التي يدعو لها مع المنطق الذى يقبله العقل السليم 3- فاذا أقررت منطقه أنظر إلى فعله هل فعله مطابق لكلامه؟ 4-ان كان فعله مطابق لكلامه فما عليك إلا تصديقه وفي النهاية سوف تجيب بنفسك على هذه الأسئلة المحيرة: من هو محمد Before judging a person be neutral and: 1-Listen to this person, and follow his doings. 2-Compare his ideas and teachings with what is acceptable to the mind and heart. 3-If you think that his thoughts are right, compare them with his doings; is he applying his teachings? 4-If he is applying his teachings and sayings, so he is for sure right and one must believe him. At the end you will get a clear answer for all confusing questions and you will know for sure : who Muhammad really is معا لنشر هذا البوست ليعلم العالم من هو حبيبنا محمد صل الله عليه وسلم Who is prophet Muhammad?? |
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